Nach längeren Reisen durch Asien erkennt Schoener, dass die Imitation östlicher Meditationspraxis kaum weiterführt. Seine elektronischen Komposition Meditation (1973) soll in ihrer eigenen Tonsprache „wie ein Fenster den Zugang zu uns selbst öffnen“. Ein unvergleichliches Werk eines Visionärs.

the project

Meditation, a single work in two parts, was first recorded in 1973 after an extended trip to Asia. Unlike many works by other composers that have attempted to replicate the meditational music of the Far East, Schoener has created a reflective, slowly evolving musical journey that pays homage to his Western musical heritage as well as the insights he gained from traveling through the Far East.

the artist

German composer, Eberhard Schoener is a sonic explorer who has not only stepped outside of European traditions for inspiration, he has created breathtaking music from the most unlikely sources.




1 Meditation (Part 1) 17'16"
2 Meditation (Part 2) 18'27"
  Total Time: 35'56"