In Sky Music erklingt eine „Himmelsorgel“: Brieftauben fliegen mit gestimmten Pfeifen und Glöckchen durch einen Windtunnel von BMW. Das eigenartige Flirren, Säuseln und Wabern mischt sich mit den Klängen des Synthesizers. Mountain Music wiederum ist eine Natursinfonie mit echten und imitierten Vogelstimmen. Zwei unvergleichliches Werk eines Visionärs.

the project

On Sky Music/Mountain Music Schoener left the conventions of orient and occident behind, to bring forth music from nature itself. Though Sky Music sounds like a composition for sophisticated electronic instruments, it is actually created by a sky organ of living beings. Tuned whistles and small bells were attached to the chests of carrier pigeons. The birds were then allowed to fly through the gentle currents of air generated by BMW’s Wind Tunnel. The resulting music possesses a delicate, transparent form and a graceful sense of beauty that is positively uplifting.

Mountain Music explores a deeper dimension of acoustic phenomena. Schoener skillfully manipulates a wide variety of natural sounds into a moving, fully, developed composition with a remnant of Western classical form.

the artist

German composer, Eberhard Schoener is a sonic explorer who has not only stepped outside of European traditions for inspiration, he has created breathtaking music from the most unlikely sources.




1 Sky Music 21'32"
2 Mountain Music 23'02"
  Total Time: 44'46"