Unter der Leitung von Jan Boogaarts singt der Studentenchor der Universität Utrecht Liturgien zur Karfreitagnacht (tenebrarum = im Dunklen). Die einstimmigen Gesänge des ersten Teils (Psalme im Antiphon) reichen bis in die ersten Jahrhunderte nach Chr. zurück, einige Elemente stammen noch aus der altjüdischen Liturgie. Die „Lamentationes“ im zweiten Teil zeigen die Weiterentwicklung der Gregorianik zur Polyphonie. Kompositionen von Pierre de la Rue (1460-1518), Johannes Gardano und Bernardus Ycart (16. Jahrhundert). Eine Celestial-Harmonies-Produktion von 1977, ein gutes Jahrzehnt, bevor Gregorianik zum Trend wurde.

the project

This is a deeply moving recording of Gregorian chants. Officium Tenebrarum is the name of the musical liturgy to be sung before Easter, the First Nocturne of the Night Office for Holy Saturday, frequently celebrated during the darkness of Good Friday. The Paschal Vigil was the most important event within the early Latin liturgy.

Most of the Gregorian chants recorded here are sung in their original plainsong version, dating back to the first centuries of the Christian era. In fact, these chants incorporate thematic elements derived from the Jewish synagogue. Several sections are polyphonic, a later development within Gregorian chant.

Officium Tenebrarum is beautifully performed by the Students' Choir Utrecht and the Students' Chamber Choir Utrecht. The chants themselves were written, probably during the 15th and 16th centuries, by three musicians: Pierre de la Rue, Johannes Gardano and Bernardus Ycart. Comprehensive liner notes included in the compact disk highlight these musicians and explain the background of Gregorian chants within the Catholic Church.

This inspiring work is an enriching experience for listeners of all cultures in any season. It is truly a timeless performance that moves the heart and soul.


1 Antiphon: In pace, Psalm 4: Cum invocarem 2'09"
2 Antiphon: Habitat, Psalm 15 (14): Domine quis habitabit 1'52"
3 Antiphon: Caro mea, Psalm 16 (15): Conserva me Domine Versus: In pace 2'54"
4 Lectio I: Lamentationis Jeremiae (Pierre de la Rue) 9'21"
5 Resp.: Sicut ovis 2'17"
6 Lectio II: Lamentationis Jeremiae (Johannes Gardano) 9'20"
7 Resp.: Jerusalem surge 2'15"
8 Lectio III: Lamentationis Jeremiae (Bernardus Ycart) 4'27"
9 Resp.: Plange quasi virgo 4'14"
  Total Time: 39'24"